For YOU(th) Conference… March 28th-29th

For YOU(th) is designed to be a weekend in which we equip and empower you: the student, you: the leader, and you: the parent!

During this weekend we are going to have powerful worship, sessions, guest speakers, and breakouts that will be specific for students, leaders, and parents. We will have separate sessions and some together.

The conference is not overnight, however, childcare for elementary aged and younger is provided if indicated on the registration form.


Price and Conference Schedule

Price Breakdown:

Students: $60.00

Parents: $40.00

Leaders: $30.00

Price includes:

  • Conference Materials and Entry

  • Dinner on Friday night and lunch on Saturday

  • Free Merch Item


7:01 pm: Registration

7:29 pm: Session 1 IYKYK

9:03 pm: After party (prophecy rooms open for parents)


9:01 am: Devo Set (optional) Main Sanct.

10:01 am: Session 2 No Cap

10:51 am: Transition, bathroom break, coffee, snack break

11:01 am: Session 3

12:30 pm: Lunch and break

2:01 pm: Session 4

2:51 pm: Transition

3:01 pm: Session 5

3:51 pm: Transition

4:01 pm: Main Session 2: